

全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00
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The progress of transport industry is inevitable and undeniable. What is under controversy is whether the volume of traffic is growing at an alarming rate. To be frank, I am in high favor that we are well aware of the traffic problem.

In my point of view, a possible cause of the problem is that we lack the infrastructureconstruction. Also the overpopulation is the cause of this problem, especially in China. Although the growth of the transport is rapid, it still can not meet the increasing needs of people. Furthermore, people abuse the private cars to take public transport instead, which caused more cars put into use. Lastly, individuals are also responsible for this problem. People are lacking in consciousness and awareness for traffic situation in order. Sometimes, people drive after drinking, which causes more traffic accidents.

The solution, I think, is for government to inject more funds into the construction ofinfrastructure, increase more construction, such as the restructuring of metro system, elevated ways, Pearl line, and superhighway. Also government should levy heavy tax onluxurious products, and encourage people to use bus service instead of private cars. To individuals, we may establish the family planning to control the growth of the population. Furthermore, we should publicize the importance of obeying the traffic regulations among people by education, and form the civil health lifestyle.

To conclude, with the joint effort of people and governments, I am sure the trafficproblems will be improved.


In many countries, the number of elderly people is increasing fast. To what extent do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?Nowadays, owning to the improvement of living condition【这里习惯用复数】, people can live much longer than before, which gives rise to the fast increasing number of elderly people. Some hold that this situation will result in a series of problems, such as social burden, population expansion and so on. While others insist that it agrees the development of modern society and brings many advantages. For my part, I take the latter side with【用for】 the following reasons: 【74words】
