

全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00
首页 机构动态 雅思口语描述一次和陌生人对话




Describe a conversation you had with a stranger.

You should say:

When and where it happened?

Who you had the conversation with?

What you talked about?

How you felt about it?


1.I'd like to talk about an interesting conversation that I had with a gentleman not so long ago.It happened on my way to my work place.I saw him talking to someone over the phone.I didn't pay much attention,until he came over to me.

2.He looked like in his forties.He's dressed in suit.I guess he came for a job interview or meeting someone important.He's quite tall.I couldn't tell where he comes from,because of his funny accent.

3.He asked me something about a cafe.But he couldn't tell me the name of it.He was trying so hard to describe it.But his accent made his words hard to understand.Frankly,I even doubted that he was speaking English to me.Eventually,with the help of the location that his friend sent to his phone,I figured out where the place was.

4.It's a very interesting conversation.His accent was quite amusing.There were a few times I almost couldn't hold my laugh.I know,it's not polite to say so,but if you were there,you would get my point.Anyway,it's a very interesting experience.
