

全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00
首页 机构动态 雅思口语描述一个有礼貌的人



备考过雅思口语的同学,在口语考试第二部分,我们通常会从,人,事 ,地, 物四个方面来准备。下面是雅思口语描述一个有礼貌的人的方法,跟小编一起来了解下吧:

Describe a polite person that you met

where you met the person

How you met the person

Why you think the person was polite




Ok,right then,well the person I’d like to talk to you about is a very good friend of mine called Matthew,the reason being that he must be one of the nicest and most polite people I know,which I’ll come to explain in a moment.

But firstly,as for how I know him,well we’ve basically known each other since middle school,because we were in the same class together,and we still see quite a lot of each other.You know,if I feel like going out and doing something,I normally give him a call and see if he’s free to meet up.

And moving on to why I think he’s so polite,well it’s basically because he’s just got really good manners.And just to give you an example,he always says thank you to people,even for the slightest thing.For instance,I’ve noticed that whenever we’re eating at a restaurant,he will thank the waiters and waitresses every time they bring a dish to the table.And another example would be that whenever he gets off a bus,he will always say thank you to the driver,which a lot of people probably think isn’t necessary,but I’m sure the bus drivers really appreciate it,as do the waiters and waitresses,because it’s not all that often they hear people thanking them!

So yeah,that’s basically why I’d say he’s such a polite person,and I’m just trying to think if there’s anything more to add,um……,oh yeah,and one other thing to mention would be that he’s always very complimentary to people.So what I mean is that he tends to always say nice things to people,for example he might make a comment about how nice someone’s looking,or how good their cooking is,which I know might be seen as being a bit um,…what’s the word……um…insincere,but I think he genuinely means what he says,at least most of the time anyway!

And I mean,I can’t remember a single time when he’s ever been rude or unpleasant to anyone,and I also can’t really imagine him being nasty to anyone either.

So yeah,that’s pretty much it then.Thanks for listening.


地道用词:meet up

bring a dish to the table


…which I’ll come to explain in a moment=…我待一会儿就解释

he’s got really good manners=他很有礼貌

And just to give you an example=给你举个例子呢(this is a set-phrase which is used a lot in English,and is normally used for when the example is quite long)

not all that often=不是那么经常

I’m just trying to think if there’s anything more to add=我在想还有没有什么可以补充的!

he’s always very complimentary to people=他总是对人很恭维

he tends to always=他一般总

which might be seen(by some)as being insincere=可能会被别人看作是虚伪

he genuinely means what he says=他是真的认为的

at least most of the time anyway=反正大多数时候是这样(this is a useful structure:at least……anyway反正……是这样)

what’s the word=哪个单词怎么说?!(卡住的时候,可以用这句话you can use this phrase when you are trying to think of what word to use.自言自语的话,it’s best to try and keep talking,even when you are thinking!
